Intake/ Preliminary Conference with Catherine Parks

Intake/ Preliminary Conference

1 hour


A Pre-mediation Conference Session with Catherine Parks includes:

🖤     Hearing your story via phone unless otherwise organised;  

🖤     Exploring resolution pathways and options;

🖤     Putting an actionable plan in place.

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Half Day Mediation Packages With Catherine Parks

Our Half Day Mediation Packages with Catherine Parks includes:

🖤     Up to 1 hour preliminary conference with each client;  

🖤     Up to 3.5 hours mediation for a Half Day Mediation of FDR and child inclusive work;

🖤     In person, via telephone or online (video conferencing);

🖤     Travel (in Sydney) and preparation; and

🖤     Venue at cost.

Half Day Mediation - Pay 50%

Pay for your portion of your Half Day Mediation.


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Half Day Mediation - Pay in Full

Pay the whole amount of your Half Day Mediation.


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Full Day Mediation Packages with Catherine Parks

Our Full Day Mediation Packages with Catherine Parks includes:

🖤     Up to 1 hour preliminary conference with each client;  

🖤     Up to 7.5 hours mediation for a Full Day Mediation of FDR and child inclusive work;

🖤     In person, via telephone or online (video conferencing);

🖤     Travel (in Sydney) and preparation; and

🖤     Venue at cost.

Full Day Mediation - Pay 50%

Pay for your portion of your Full Day Mediation.


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Full Day Mediation - Pay in Full

Pay the whole amount of your Full Day Mediation.


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Parenting Coordination with Catherine Parks

Parenting Coordination Preliminary Conference

1 hour


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Parenting Coordination Joint Session - Pay 50%

Pay for your portion of your Parenting Coordination Joint Session

1.5 hour


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Parenting Coordination Joint Session - Pay in Full

Pay the whole amount of your Parenting Coordination Joint Session

1.5 hour


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Download - Parenting Coordination Template Order